How to Clean Hard to Reach Windows Inside and Out

by | Mar 29, 2024 | Tips | 0 comments

Do you find it challenging to clean those windows that are difficult to access, from both the interior and exterior? You’re in good company! By utilizing the correct equipment and methods, getting pristine windows is more straightforward than it appears. Continue reading to discover how!

Understanding the Importance of Cleaning Hard to Reach Windows

Having clean windows is a must for both the aesthetic appeal of your home and for allowing sunlight in to keep your home warm. Cleaning the exterior of hard to reach windows can be challenging when using traditional methods and equipment. A misguided ladder or a dropped roll of paper towels ruined by rain can put you in danger and damage your property.

An understanding of the importance of safety, proper materials, and how to reduce risk when cleaning hard to reach exterior windows will ensure successful window cleaning.

Tools such as:

  • Extension poles with mop heads that reach difficult areas,
  • Telescopic ladders,
  • Window washing products designed for specific tasks,
  • Soft brushes,
  • and even high-tech robotic cleaners are all important factors in keeping an efficient daily window cleaning routine.

It’s equally important to make sure you wear protective clothing along with gloves and goggles when washing hard-to-reach windows on upper levels of the building.

With the right set up and approach, it’s possible to make quick work of even a tall residential building with hard-to-reach exterior glass panes without putting yourself or others at risk. And by following proper protocols when setting up ladders or scaffolding around buildings or homes with unobstructed access points like balconies or roof patios, further safety hazards can be eliminated thanks to reliable materials suitable for each task.

Preparing Your Cleaning Tools and Supplies

Before you start, it’s important to make sure you have all the necessary cleaning tools and supplies. Depending on the type of window you need to clean, inside or out, you may require additional items that are specific for the job.

For inside hard-to-reach windows:

  • Bucket
  • Spray bottle with a solution of mild detergent and warm water
  • Ladder with long handle (if needed)
  • Soft cloths or rags
  • Soft sponge
  • Old newspaper or plastic tablecloth for easy clean up of drips

For outside hard to reach windows:

  • Hose attachment for rinsing off windows once they are cleaned
  • Glass cleaner specifically formulated for use on outside window surfaces
  • Lint free soft cloths such as microfiber towels to wipe away dirt and streaks without scratching the surface of the glass
  • Rubber gloves to protect your hands from the elements while cleaning

Tips and Techniques for Cleaning Interior Windows

Interior windows pose a particular problem because they tend to be hard to reach and often have fragile or delicate frames that can be easily damaged. To ensure that your interior windows get clean without inflicting any damage, here are some tips and techniques you should follow:

  • Use scissors or a glass cleaner scraper to gently trim away any cobwebs before you begin cleaning. This will help keep them from returning too quickly.
  • Use a cloth dampened with warm water and a mild soap to give lightly soiled windows a quick and gentle clean.
  • For windows that are more heavily soiled, use either diluted vinegar, undiluted white vinegar, glass cleaner, or rubbing alcohol in place of the mild soap and water solution mentioned above. The vinegar is especially useful for heavy grease build-up around window sashes.
  • Take extra care around delicate frames to make sure no ammonia-based cleaners or other toxic chemicals come into contact with antique glass or fabrics. These materials may become discolored if exposed to these products for too long.
  • If lines still appear on the window panes after cleaning, dip your cloth in rubbing alcohol and lightly rub along the edge of the glass until they disappear.

Steps for Cleaning Exterior Windows from the Ground

Cleaning exterior windows from the ground can be a challenge, especially if the windows are situated high up on a wall or in hard to reach locations. But with the right tools and techniques, you can successfully clean difficult windows without enlisting the help of a window-washing service. Here are some tips to get started:

  1. Prepare your equipment – Assemble all of your necessary tools before you start, including a long-handled brush or squeegee, an extension pole, cleaning solution and water hose. Position your ladder as close as possible to the window and make sure it is properly secured and stable before you climb up.
  2. Start with pre-cleaning – Using your hose or pressure washer at low pressure settings, rinse off any dirt to soften it before cleaning each window pane. Be sure not to spray too close or you could damage the window itself and remove any paint around it.
  3. Identify which areas need attention – Look carefully around each pane for any persistent dirt or stains that need extra care before moving on to wiping down each window panel.
  4. Scrub each bed – Using soapy water solutions combined with a brush/squeegee setup for heavily stained/soiled areas of grime heavy panels will help scrape away stuck on debris for better results after rinsing off with water hose attachment end when finished washing initial panel surface area.. Spraying directly onto surface area while scrubbing helps rid remaining residue if needed once removed from other side window panel surface area also near edges but avoid getting solution near gasket seal where applicable as this can damage over time due to exposure levels depending upon material quality outside frame composed of for function type purpose design specifically made based off industry standard size requirements most popular commonplace use seen commonly now will be noted chances likely occur in each unique situation presented whenever experienced no matter what industry specializes extreme weather conditions within locale region inhabited located nearby particular structure structure official title refers used widely globally accepted without fail matters entirely how comprehended completely different needs expectations suitably met afterward satisfying everyone involved entirely afterwards lengthy duration period elapsed passed since inception taken place originally absolute control given project done effectively quality ensured maintained minimal risk exposure beneath whatever cost budget limitations predetermined previously agreed upon reason course advanced preparation earlier emphasized crucial.

Using Ladders and Other Equipment to Reach High Windows

Taking care of your windows is important for both the exterior and interior of your house. Cleaning high windows can be a difficult task, making it essential to use the right tools and techniques to maintain these hard-to-reach locations.

Using ladders or other equipment can be intimidating, but following a few basic safety practices can make the task much easier. You’ll need to take into account how tall your ladder is, how much weight it can hold, and how steady it will be when you’re reaching for those uppermost windows. To reduce the risk of injury, you should position the ladder at an angle no greater than 4 feet away from the wall for each 1 foot of ladder height. Be sure that your feet are on stable ground and securely lock any extendable components before climbing up.

For particularly difficult window locations, such as those that protrude from a steeper pitched roof or holes in ceilings, you may require additional professional assistance. A couple options are renting scaffolding or having a crane hoist lift you into place so that you don’t have to risk your own safety attempting to crawl up onto steep roofs yourself. Alternatively, there are special telescoping extension poles available specifically designed for window maintenance which allow you to reach high areas safely without having to get too close to the ledge of an open window or climb onto an unsteady surface outside.

Once you have determined what equipment is necessary and safely secured yourself in place, get all your cleaning materials ready so that you don’t have to search around while occupied with executing other tasks on top of a potential hazardous surface like a ladder—or worse—a highly sloping roof!

Safety Measures to Keep in Mind During the Cleaning Process

It is of the utmost importance to take safety measures when cleaning hard to reach windows from both inside and out. You should always use an appropriate ladder, scaffold, or other platform that can hold your weight and any tools you may be using. To keep yourself safe, you should wear:

  • Protective eyewear to prevent any foreign objects from entering your eyes;
  • Sturdy shoes with non-slip soles;
  • Snug fit clothes that won’t drag on anything; and
  • Gloves to protect your hands while scrubbing.

In addition, make sure someone is nearby that can assist you in case of emergency.

When dealing with outside windows, check for potential nest locations of bugs or small animals before beginning your work. Equip yourself with the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) like a first aid kit, respirator (if necessary based on hazardous material such as drywall dust), hard hat and other clothing items needed for protection against falling debris or harsh weather conditions. If using high-powered tools like pressure washers, be sure to research the machine thoroughly in order to know how it works effectively and safely.

Troubleshooting Common Window Cleaning Problems

Window cleaning and maintenance can be a daunting task, particularly when it comes to hard to reach windows which require special treatment. There is an extensive array of tools available that offer solutions to common window cleaning problems, but it’s important to understand the best methods for ensuring a professional finish on all surfaces. Here are some practical tips and considerations you should keep in mind when troubleshooting tricky window areas:

  1. Remove any dirt and dust from the glass before starting your window cleaning work as this will make the job easier. Use a damp cloth to wipe down the frames and sills prior to applying any product or cleaner, as this will prevent widening of drips which can occur from detergents or abrasive scrubbing pads.
  2. If you have difficulty reaching into corners or crevices like those of bay or sash windows then invest in telescopic brushes for those tricky spots. These are great for ensuring thorough coverage without straining your arms!
  3. Make use of ladder platforms specifically manufactured for the purpose of window cleaning, they come with stabilizers so you don’t need worry about being overly cautious whilst reaching high levels. These also make sure you’re able to carry out tasks in an effective manner, as opposed to precariously balancing on two ladders!
  4. Always choose a good quality window detergent one that won’t leave streak marks afterwards and provides results that are expected after completion; don’t assume all products will be suitable for your specific application – aim for the most appropriate option available according to your surface type e.g glass vs wood vs plastic etc…
  5. Polish the edges by rubbing off any excess liquid around them with microfiber cloths afterwards; this will help pick up any dirt particles left over from your brush combing and should also ensure streak free results each time! Really emphasize this point when working outside where weather is more likely form streaks/smudges on windows due too humidity/rain etc…

Finally always use caution when working at high altitudes with poles/ladders; if uncertain contact a professional instead so you don’t put yourself in danger unnecessarily!

Maintaining Clean Windows for a Longer Period of Time

Before cleaning windows, consider taking preventive measures to help maintain them for a longer period of time. Depending on the quality and material used for window frames, there may be recommended treatments to make them weatherproof and prevent discoloration. Research the best products to use based on the frame material of your windows or consult a professional for advice.

When choosing cleaning products, opt for natural cleaners such as dish soap and vinegar or a store-bought solution designed specifically for window cleaning. When using any cleaning product, be sure to use the minimum amount needed, as overuse may cause residue that can prevent future cleanings from being effective. In addition to using appropriate cleaning materials, it is important to clean windows properly during all seasons (including winter) so they can stay fully functional and maintain an aesthetically pleasing appearance year-round.

Cleaning tools vary based on your window type. When dealing with hard-to reach windows (e.g., double hung), ladders or portable platforms may be required to access both sides outside and inside the window without risk of damage. This will allow you to scrub both sides of the glass at once; however, you must take extra precaution when using high ladders or plastic platforms near those surfaces!

Using a squeegee provides maximum coverage and force but it is not suitable for outdoor surfaces due to its sensitivity in colder environments. A soft cloth with extension can be used as an alternative for hard-to-reach areas outdoors if necessary.

Hiring a Professional Cleaning Company for Difficult Jobs

When you have windows that are difficult to reach, the best option is often to hire a professional cleaning company. Not only will they have the right tools and equipment to tackle the tricky job, but they’ll also be able to do it safely and efficiently. Professional cleaners typically work from the ground up as well as from ladders or suspended access systems.

No matter what kind of hard-to-reach windows you need cleaned, a professional window cleaner can handle almost any situation. You could even request same-day or overnight services for those hard-to-reach areas that simply can’t wait. They may also recommend specific techniques and products for handling special window surfaces (such as skylights) or difficult spots (such as near a roof peak). Plus, most companies will offer maintenance services for regular window products so that your windows look better—and last longer—in the future. It’s worth spending a bit more time and money on reliable professionals who can handle any job!


In conclusion, cleaning hard to reach windows inside and out is a task that may require special tools, techniques or expertise. Be prepared to take your time and to use a ladder or other supported device when necessary. You can also hire someone with specialized knowledge and experience if you do not feel comfortable in taking on the job yourself.

For best results, be sure to wear safety equipment at all times, such as glasses or gloves, in order to protect yourself from injury. Keep these tips in mind for a successful cleaning project, and you’ll have squeaky clean windows all year round!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to clean hard-to-reach windows inside and out?

The best way to clean hard-to-reach windows inside and out is to use a combination of a telescopic window cleaner and a soft, microfiber cloth. Start by spraying the window cleaner onto the surface and then use the cloth to wipe away any dirt and grime. Make sure to use a ladder or other support to ensure you can safely reach the window.

How often should I clean hard-to-reach windows?

It is recommended to clean hard-to-reach windows at least once per month. However, if you live in an area with a lot of dust, pollution, or other outdoor elements, it is best to clean them more often.

What products should I use to clean hard-to-reach windows?

To clean hard-to-reach windows, use a combination of a telescopic window cleaner and a soft, microfiber cloth. Make sure to use a ladder or other support to ensure you can safely reach the window.